

Wow! Through my kitchen window, I see tiny birds on the lawn, in dozens , peck endlessly. In between, they hop, and take short flights- their shadows sharing their earnestness and energy.

Wow! A soft breeze blows; leaves move gently, just the tips of branches making graceful steps in mid-air. They move again, making me wonder if they are dancing. Next to this big tree, there is a Pine; sturdy and evergreen, ripe with the knowledge that fall is here and now, and then winter and that it must stay on.

Wow! Very next to the Pine is an Apple tree; its branches heavy with fruit. I can just about see a few branches; there are more apples; pink and yellow than leaves. Wow! One apple just fell.

Two women out on their morning walk, in sportswear, one tossing a bottle of water even as they talk non-stop. Enjoying companionship. Enjoying beauty. Wow! They look happy, healthy and content.

The little birds? The ones that were peacefully pecking just a while ago? Hyper on food, they are launching themselves from the roof top, beak-diving into the bushes. They are like naughty children. Wow! This is quite something. And now, what? A couple of them are conferencing on a dish antenna; perched on its rim, oh, but that was just for a split second or so.

Wow! A flock of geese, energy-conservationists, heading south in a perfect V formation, making the most of a sunny day. Miles to cover before they rest. It’s a spectacle.
Wow! Life is beautiful.abeautifulday